Florida International Training Institute | Your Future is in your Hands

Financial Aid

Financial Aid

Federal Pell Grant

A Federal Pell Grant does not have to be repaid. Federal Pell Grants are awarded only to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor’s or professional degree. Awards can range up to $5,815.00 per academic year and are based on the financial need of the family or individual and the cost of education.

Students are notified of their Federal Pell Grant eligibility through an Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR). This report is electronically transmitted directly to the Institute by the federal processor. The U.S. Department of Education employs a uniform formula to evaluate the information contained on the student aid application and to determine the index of need. In order to receive an award, the ISIR must be reviewed and eligibility confirmed by the Financial Aid Office.

Financial Aid Program

The Pell Grant is an entitlement program available for those who need it to attend a post secondary educational institution. The amount of the Pell Grant entitlement is determined on the basis of the cost of education at the institution attended and the actual number of credits for which the student is enrolled. Students can reapply annually for Pell consideration. All students receive a copy of The Student Guide for Financial Aid, which is distributed by the U.S Department of Education.

Student Financial Aid

Florida International Training Institute offers Financial Aid Assistance for those who qualify. The Financial Aid Assistance Programs are supported by the U. S. Department of Education. These programs are designed to help applicants who have limited financial resources by providing funds in the form of grants. This financial assistance is primarily for students whom would not otherwise be able to continue their education. Award of federal financial assistance as described above is conditioned on the availability of funds and on the financial need of the applicant.

Florida International Training Institute helps you reasonable for your education. We offer a really competitive tuition that makes earning a career-focused education fairly affordable. Our schools employ knowledgeable Financial Aid advisors who help qualifying students for Federal Aid find the right grants and loans. We even have our own payment institutional plans without any type of interest.

Once a student’s application for admission is officially accepted by the school, the student may begin applying for financial assistance.

Policies /calendar

The primary purpose of the institution is to prepare you for employment. You are required to be neat and clean in appearance while attending classes. Items of dress which may be considered a safety hazard or create classroom disturbance, are prohibited.

School attire

Academic activities are defined as, but not specifically limit to:

  • An examination/quiz
  • Field trips
  • Viewing instructional media
  • Presenting material
  • Mid-term assessment
  • Participating in role play activities
  • Computer assisted instructions
  • Research projects
  • Survey evaluating the course material and text
  • Instructor performance
  • Attending a guest lecture
  • Completing a course assignment
  • Homework
  • Simulations
  • Library research
  • Tutorial sessions
  • Academic advising

Campus security

As required by Public Law 101-542, as amended by Public Law 102-325, Title 11, Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, Policy and Statistical Disclosures, Florida International Training Institute has established policies regarding campus security. The school encourages all students and employees to report criminal incidents or other emergencies, on campus directly to the Campus President, student advisor, instructor and the area security. It is available to prospective students, faculty and employees at the admissions office. The report is also posted on at the school’s bulletin board. 

Complaints and grievance procedure

In the event a complaint emerges, you are expected to give notice of such grievances in an appropriate, constructive and timely manner. Everyone involved is expected to concentrate on the solution of disagreements and personal reconciliation. The parties must attempt to resolve the disagreement among themselves prior to the involvement of a higher authority. In the event that the disagreement continues unresolved, the parties may bring the issue(s) with the board of directors for further review. If you feel the school has not resolved a complaint/grievance satisfactorily may appeal to the:

Commission for Independent Education
325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 1414
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
1 (888) 224-6684

Definition of clock hours (CH)

One clock hour (CH) constitutes 50 minutes of directed, supervised instruction and appropriate breaks.

Make up work policy

You may be allowed to make-up missed or delayed work, class assignments or tests resulting from absences, tardiness or other causes at the instructor’s discretion. An “F” grade is computed as part of a student’s GPA; however, the courses must be retaken. If a course is repeated only the highest grade earned will be computed in the GPA.

If you receive an “I” grade, you have (30) days to submit the required work to your instructor and receive a final grade. Failure to do so will result in a grade changed to an “F”. There are no part-time students. Make-up classes will be announced during the year and will be scheduled on Saturdays.

Course numbering system

The courses are numbered using a letter/number system. For example, courses in the Medical Assistant program start with a prefix MA and are numbered sequentially.

Grading system

Letter Grade Percentage Equivalent Point Value Description

A 100% – 90% 4.0 Excellent
B 89% – 80% 3.0 Good
C 79% – 70% 2.0 Passing
D 69% – 65% 1.0 Probation
I – Incomplete
W – Withdrawal

Graduation requirements

A student is eligible for graduation upon fulfillment of the following requirements:

  • Completion of all course assignments.
  • Maintaining a minimum overall GPA of 2.0
  • Fulfillment of all obligations to the school.

Satisfactory progress Satisfactory progress appeal

You may appeal a determination of unsatisfactory progress by submitting a written appeal to the school Director. The director’s decision shall be final. Special consideration will be given to mitigating circumstances, i.e. illness or death in the family.

Externship policies

Externships are designed to assist you with hands-on experience and are an important part of any program. All externships must be successfully completed prior to graduation. You must attend the days and hours designated by the school and sites. Clinical sites may require additional information such as immunizations for the student to begin their clinical program. You are responsible for any cost associated with these additional requirements. You must complete all assignments assigned by the instructors and must never reveal any confidential information regarding patients or clients.

Keep in mind that you will be evaluated by the sites and a passing grade must be obtained in order to successfully complete a program.

Certificate of honor


If you achieve an overall GPA of 3.5 or above, you will be awarded a certificate of honor for Academic Achievement upon graduation.

Student rights

You have the right to ask the school:

  • The names of its licensing agency.
  • Information about the program, its instructional, laboratory and other physical facilities, and its faculty.
  • The cost of attendance and the refund policy if you drop out.
  • How the school determines whether you are making satisfactory progress, and what happens if you are not.

Student responsibilities

  • Review and consider all information about the program of study prior to enrolling.
  • To know the conditions and deadlines prior to completing an enrollment agreement.
  • Provide any documentation, verification, corrections, and/or new information requested by the admissions department.
  • Read, understand and keep copies of all forms the student is asked to sign.
  • Comply with the provision of any promissory note and/or all other contractual agreements signed with the school.
  • Notify the school of any changes in name, address, or attendance status.
  • Understand the school’s refund policy.


Upon successful completion of all prescribed subjects of instruction with a cumulative grade average of 2.0 or better, demonstrating the ability to perform all required competencies, satisfaction of all financial obligations to the school, and an exit interview, you will be awarded a credential as stated in the catalog program information.

You may participate in the graduation ceremony and will be eligible for placement assistance, providing all graduation requirements have been met and all fees paid.


It’s good to plan ahead. We publish the yearly calendar well in advance, so you can figure out your schedule. One of the great things about FITI is that we understand you have a lot going on outside of school. Our class schedules are designed with you in mind.

Evening sessions

All classes meet in the evening from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm Monday through Friday.


Florida International Training Institute offers classes on a year-round basis. The school observes the following Holidays and vacation breaks:

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Presidents Day
  • Labor Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Columbus Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Last two weeks of December
  • Veteran’s Day